Gladiatorial combat was one of the most iconic spectacles of ancient Rome, combining violence and ritual in a display of skill and brutality. These fights took place in arenas like the Colosseum, where gladiators, often slaves, prisoners of war, or volunteers, faced off for public entertainment. There were many types of gladiators, each armed and…

If you are considering building an armour impression to use for HEMA armoured fighting (Harnischfechten), it is a bit of a minefield. This is a first part of a number of posts, I will be compiling for those interested in the German tradition and want something on period and somewhat accurate. I was lucky that…

If you are interested in building up your knowledge of the German Medieval Martial Arts tradition, these books are a great place to start to build your library. A lot of Medieval Combat training is reading… While there is no substitute for actual training, these books can help give you some context to the systems…

World War I witnessed a variety of combat methods, ranging from large-scale artillery barrages to trench warfare. In addition to these tactics, hand-to-hand combat played a significant role on the battlefield. This article will explore the hand-to-hand fighting methods employed by the British, Canadian, French, and American forces during World War I, shedding light on…
Armies of Plantagenet England, 1135–1337 is a comprehensive and well-written account of the wars and conflicts that marked the reign of the Plantagenet kings in England. The author, Gabriele Esposito, does an excellent job of detailing the campaigns of kings such as Richard the Lionheart and the struggles for control over Wales, Scotland, and Ireland.…
This book is a collection of essays produced by a number of authors on the subject of the different Revolutions that happened in British history starting with the Peasants Revolt (Wat Tyler) in 1381 and The Jack Cade rebellion of 1450. The book continues into the English Civil War and highlights Cromwell and Lilburne, as…

Interested in Medieval Archery and want to learn more? As well as coming to train with us, you can also find a large array of books on this important medieval weapon. Bowmen of England From the 12th to 15th centuries the longbow was the weapon that changed European history more than any other. In the…

I am currently reading a bunch of Malcolm Atkin books on the SOE, Section D and other secret organisations of WW2. I will have reviews coming shortly but wanted to share them all in one place as they are a great collection to have on this theme. Section D for Destruction When Neville Chamberlain made…
We have launched a small range of Bartitsu related merchandise as a way to generate more club funds to help us add a permanent Bartitsu Class, when we can open again. Bartitsu is a rounded martial art – in fact you could say it was the first MMA. It consists of 4 main elements: Pugilism…

I recently found a traditional Pencak Silat teacher on my doorstep. Don’t you just love Facebook. Mike runs the West Kent Silat Padepokan which is a small private training facility in Kent. Mike has a lot of experience with traditional Pencak Silat and personally has been a great find at he is able to show…

We had Tommy down in East Kent a while back now covering some of the fundamental component Arts of Bartitsu. I can’t shut the guys up that came to that seminar and Tommy will be back. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your martial arts background. Hello! My name’s Tommy Moore. I’m the…

I am researching some African Martial arts for potential workshops next year and felt it was about time we spoke to HAMAA. I asked the organisation to take part in our interview series. Here is what I asked Damon, the Vice Chairman… Tell us a little about yourself My name is Damon ‘Osa nKante’ Cunningham and…
We all love a good lightsaber. I managed to pin Faisal down for a chat about Silver Sabres, who they are and what they are doing. It truly is epic stuff. Mixing traditional martial arts with Sci-Fi… Tell us a little about yourself Lol, a little? Are you sure? Have you seen my vids, I…

Tell us a little bit about yourself? I am an Artist and HEMA practitioner, living in Feldkirch and Graz (Austria). Since my childhood painting has always been part of my life. It was one of my favorite things to do, worked also as an escape from a quite hard reality and lead to a kind…

I have recently refallen back down a tabletop wargamming hole and was recently introduced to Simon Hall – creator of MeG amongst other things. While not quite on topic, I think this is an interesting interview…. Can you tell us a little about yourself and wargaming? My dad was in the RAF and interested in…
Here are 5 books on the coming soon section of the Pen and Sword Website I am looking forward to reading… Armies of Ancient Greece Circa 500 to 338 BC Conflict was rife among the Greeks of the Classical period, including some of the most famous wars and battles of the whole ancient period, such…

I have been working with Nick to create the East Kent Warbow Society which aims to provide Longbow and Warbow shoots in East Kent. I also built Nick’s new website – Classic Bowyer Tell people a little about yourself I am a bowyer with a life-times fascination with shooting sports, history, military history and the…
I stumbled across Matt while researching Anglo Saxon swords and I was looking for a book on the subject. I found Anglo Saxon Books, and there I found Matt and Paul Mortimer’s Book, The Sword in Anglo-Saxon England – a massively weighty tome on all things sword in the Anglo Saxon world. It is a…
This time round I managed to pin down Dr Simon Elliott, who is best know for his work on the Roman military as well as work on Roman London and how the stone used came from the Medway. Which is where we used to live. In fact, we used to walk around the Battle of…
This time around I chat with Dr Timothy Venning who has written a lot of books on alternative timelines and what would happen if key events went different ways. I guess these books would be great for wargammers. Tell us a little about yourself. I am a First Class Hons History graduate (Classical, Medieval and…