English Rebels and Revolutionaries

This book is a collection of essays produced by a number of authors on the subject of the different Revolutions that happened in British history starting with the Peasants Revolt (Wat Tyler) in 1381 and The Jack Cade rebellion of 1450.
The book continues into the English Civil War and highlights Cromwell and Lilburne, as well as the Levellers and other sects and dissenters of the period.
The third section of the book covers the 18th century with Thomas Paine and Mary Wollstonecraft as well as other radical groups of the period.
Finally we are brought up to the 19th century with the Peterloo massacre, the reform act of 1832, Chartism, William Morris and the Women’s struggle for the vote.
I am guessing you could write a book on any one of the these sections. I found the first two particularly of interest as these cover the period of the fight school.
I must confess the book is some what dense, long paragraphs and small typeface packs a lot of knowledge but that makes it hard to read. I had to come at it a few times. Thats aid , if you are interested in any period the book, it does provide a useful addition to your knowledge. I didn’t realise much of the Peasant revolt happened in Kent and that John Ball was imprisoned in Maidstone gaol.
You can buy the book here from Pen and Sword books.
Please note I was not paid to write this review but was sent a review copy of the book. All comments are my own, and the publishers have not amended the review in any way.