The Ismaili Assassins

Just reading the back cover of this book had my jaw dropping. I haven’t heard to these guys before. But sounded like a cross between ninjas and something out of Assassins creed.
What is interesting is that in a time of political and religious upheaval, this organisation seemingly didn’t pick sides and would assassinate anyone. They functioned across the Middle East, yet even had Mongol chiefs fearing them.
The book itself has a really useful set of resources for those not familiar with this history, from a timeline of key events , to succession tables and maps.
This would be a great opportunity to build and play small level skirmishes or games. It is a fascinating read, and I will look at this some more.
The quotes that open each chapter are really interesting and certainly reinforces the author view that written Middle Eastern history of this period was written by warriors not statesman.
The book also has some amazing colour plates from the period which help paint a picture of intrigue.
If you have any interest in clandestine military history, this book will be a revelation to you if you have not looked at this region of Medieval history.
This is a great overview of the period and a detailed look at this secret organisation.
You can buy the book here from Pen and Sword books.
Please note I was not paid to write this review but was sent a review copy of the book. All comments are my own, and the publishers have not amended the review in any way.
ps. I did notice the author has referred Assassins Creed in the book too.