HEMA does GoT

KDF Broadstairs attended Thronefest, the Game of Thrones event this past Sunday. With lots of stars from the shows, a medieval village, traders, re-enactors and lots of attractions (Jousting / Wolves / Birds of Prey) to see as well as props from the Show. We were invited to run a sword school which we gladly obliged.
The first thing to say is they promoted the event beautifully (massive queue) and it was very well laid it out too, we were practically the first thing people saw when they arrived on site, we had two early bird ticket holders literally launch themselves from the entrance at us – running, to book their workshop with us. Ha take that John Snow!
The idea was to run 20 – 25 minute workshops on the hour and half hour but it was clear my vision of a organised timetable was going to be short-lived.
During the day we had a steady stream of people come and attend a workshop where we literally got them through a taste of Leichtenauer (5 Meisterhau and 4 Leger).
Everyone took turns and we gave people pretty much one to one tuition. Not bad for a £5. It was good to see students following my mad ramblings and teaching as I teach them. Wow, this stuff sticks… shhh…
Our log showed we have around 30 participants during the day and we must have talked to a few hundred people during the course of the day as well.
Many cards were dished out and we already have enquiries for people attending practice.
If 5% of those cards turn into students we will need a bigger hall! There is are also a vision now of a second school running in Canterbury. But we will see!
There were other reenactment groups on scene and of course we have Games of Thrones own sword master Syria Forel running sword workshops too. I will not write down the words I muttered while watching the first 5 minutes of his workshop. I had to walk away otherwise I would have been arrested for assault. Not good (from a technical point of view), but hopefully people that paid for it feel that they got their monies worth.
I want to close by thanking our two sponsors that provided tools to help us run bigger workshops and it would have been the same without there support. The KnightShop who provided some Rawlings Longswords and Kvetun Armoury that sent us two steel Feders (I can see these Feders becoming the goto for beginners looking for a steel. They handle extremely well). Sadly we were so busy teaching we forgot to take photos.. < BACK