Edward II – following in the footsteps

This book is part of the following in the footsteps series published by Pen and Sword Books.
Edward II is one of those Kings, I don’t know much about but his reigns sits on the edge of the period we train in combat in.
With Edward I as your father I can guess why he gets overlooked slightly. Of the first 3 Edwards, Edward II was the most unsuccessful according to the author Kathryn Warner who is an expert on Edward II. If you want to read more about Edward II , Kathryn’s Blog is a great place.
Edward II was not a strong leader like his father and spent most of his 19 and a bit year reign as monarch fighting his own Barons. Culminating with his own Queen, Isabella of France leading an invasion. He was force to abdicate the throne in favourite of his 14 year old son. This was the first time in history a king was forced to abdicate, but not the last. What is it with Edwards?
While not a massive read – under 150 pages, it is jam packed with info. Like most books of this period, trying to keep everyone straight in my head is always the hard thing. I was lucky I attended an event by Tobias Capwell earlier in the year on the War of the Roses that setup some of this stuff.
The author does a great job and I found it a flowing read. I can highly recommend this book to anyone studying the period.
You can buy the book here from Pen and Sword books.
Please note I was not paid to write this review but was sent a review copy of the book. All comments are my own, and the publishers have not amended the review in any way.